Monday, November 06, 2006

A Pilgrim's Praise

(Reflections on I Pt. 1:1-2)

We are pilgrims of Diaspora, of every tribe and tongue,
As the rejects of the world, we worship You in song.
Like Israel's seed long ago, scattered throughout the earth,
As Zerubbabel led them home, You lead us to new birth.

We yet rejected by the world, yet by Your grace chosen,
You foreloved us in ages past, for us sent Your only Son.
Still enemies despising you, you called us as Your heirs,
You justified our sinful past, set us apart by Spirit's pares.

From the hopeless darkness, brought into joyous light.
Once slaves to sin's requirement, you freed us to obey.
As Moses came to Israel, from Sinai's cloudy height,
You brought a new covenant, with your help we'll obey.

The congregation swore that day, to do and to observe,
But in the weakness of the flesh, they failed miserably.
In mere human strength, we too outside would swerve,
But future grace safeguarding, peace reins perpetually.


The Armchair Theologian said...

What's the tune to that?

Chad said...

Depends when you are going to write the tune!

HA, but did you enjoy it?