Membership Matters (The Ethos of Bodylife)
At Grace we have a high view of committed community. The Church can only fulfill the mission Christ has for it, when “each member does its part” (Eph. 4:16).
We are celebrating membership this month, starting with a communion service symbolizing our unity on September the 28th, we move out to act together as the hands and feet of Christ in October and November. It is encouraging that we have experienced such a great response. Our people want to belong, and they want to serve.
Through each other we are growing up into our goal of being the body of Christ, making disciples in south Calgary.
Discipleship Matters (The Ethos of Faithfulness)
Christianity is a cyclical disciple making worldview. All those who are Christ’s obey his command in Matt. 28:16-20, in His power.
The command: “Make Disciples” is qualified by three participles:
1. go 2. baptize 3. teach
The most effective way to reach the world for Christ, is not the fastest way, its not the flashiest way, it is the simple, long term, personally demanding vision of 1-1 discipleship. Most conversion happen through long term personal contact with a Christian, whose life “adorns the doctrines of God” (Tit. 2:10) and whose “good works” cause others to recognize their source, “and glorify your Father who is in Heaven” (Mat. 5:16).
We want to be the kind of Church that is always engaged in discipling, and being discipled.
Participation Matters (The Ethos of Citizenship)
We need to remember as citizens of two kingdoms, the heavenly, but also this earthly one, to participate in the upcoming Canadian elections; “the only thing necessary” it is said, “for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”. Christians should be careful to vote for those candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who most closely resemble Biblical ethics and morals. Vote:
1. As if totally disinterested in the outcome, vote for the good of others (Phil 2:3). Think about the safety and well being of our fellow Canadian citizens, knowing that they only have this realm to call on for justice.
2. As in “whatever you do” vote “for the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). God is glorified when his principles are recognized, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34).
3. Find out what your candidates believe on moral issues, especially in the promotion of life, family and religious freedom, God’s top priorities for any peoples (Gen. 1:27, 2:24 and Gal. 5:1).